#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReview4thDec2015 #JohnsonThomas
#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReview4thDec2015 #JohnsonThomas
#PicksAndPiquesSnippetFilmReview4thDec2015 #JohnsonThomas
#HateStory3(Hindi) Rating: * ½ An erotic revenge thriller that goes through the regular motions to establishes itself as a skin flick rather than a thrill flick. #SharmanJoshi #KaranSinghGrover #ZarineKhan #DaisyShah #ParullGossain #TSeriesFilms #VishalPandya #AAFilmsNationwide #PriyanshuChatterjee #VikramBhatt #Runtime: 133 mins
#Legend(English) Rating: * * * A biopic about the notorious British gangsters, The Kray Twins, this one has #TomHardy putting on twin characters with definitive elan, thus making a boringly typical gangster movie more worthy than the sum of it’s all parts. #TomHardy #EmilyBrowning #TaronEgerton #HardlyAnaonymous #DavidThewlis #Duffy #BrianHelgeland #ChristopherEcclestone #PaulBettany #ChazzPalminteri
Runtime: 133 mins
#InTheHeartOfTheSea(English) Rating: * * * A grandiose Spectacle, this film has great visual effects on show and little else. #RonHoward prefers the spectacle revved up by an intermittently frenetic and sometimes listless pace. #WarnerBros #AnkitAgarwal #ChrisHemsworth #RonHoward #Ben Whishaw #CillianMurphy #BrendanGleesan #TomHolland #VillageRoadshowPictures #CottProductions #CharlesLeavitt #EnelmarProductions #RothFilms #SpringCreekEntertainment #ImagineEntertainment #KiaJam #PaulaWeinstein #JoeRoth #WillWard #BrianGrazer Runtime: 132 mins
#TheGoodDinosaur(English/Animation/3D) Rating: * * * ½ Perfectly stylized and inventively Substantiated Animation adventure. Comely and immensely appealing. Wondrously photorealistic in it’s background and foreground rendering. In league with Disney-Pixar’s very best. #RaymondOchoa #JeffreyWright #SteveZahn #AJBuckley #AnnaPaquin #SamElliott #FrancesMcDormand #MarcusScribner #JackBright #PeteSohn #DisneyPixar #UTV #SiddharthRoyKapoor #UniversalCommunications #ParagDesai Runtime: 102 mins
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