Mr & Mrs Mahi #PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas #internationalfilmfestivalcircuit #FilmMovieDocumentaryOTTReviews Film: #MrAndMrsMahi Rating: * * Sweet but not compelling. The narrative marries sporting achievements with ‘#Abhimaan’ to create some drama but the story itself lacks the logic to make it work. A failed cricketer coaching his cricket-obsessed doctor wife - a childhood tennis ball cricketer to national-level cricketing glory in 6 months sounds too fantastic to make practical sense. #JahnviKapoor really needs to up her acting game. Her standard issue vulnerability & weak dialogue delivery makes every character she essays feel the same. #RajkumarRao does his best to shoulder the responsibility to garner audience affection but his role as a sulky, ego-centered failure is not one that will get the audience cheering for him.
Cast: #RajKumarRao #JahnviKapoor #ZarinaWahab #RajeshSharma #KumudMishra Director: #SharanSharma Runtime: 139 min #HypePR #DharmaProductions #everyone #ZeeStudios #NikhilMehrotra #MananSharma #amittrivedi


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