Pinky Beauty Parlour #PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas #FilmMovieDocumentaryReviews #InternationalFilmFestivalCircuit

#PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas #FilmMovieDocumentaryReviews #InternationalFilmFestivalCircuit #RomanaPR Film: #PinkyBeautyParlour Cast: #SulagnaPanigrahi #KhushbooGupta #AkshaySingh #VishwanathChatterjee #JogiMalang Director: #AkshaySingh Rating: * * 1/2 Runtime: 100 mins
The trailer was deceptively inveigling and I say this because the film just did not have the raw power of attraction that the well-cut trailer suggested. A suicide is conveniently described as a murder just so that the story could get prolonged. The constant harping on skin color ( dark vs fair) makes the effort rather obvious and the attempt to decry the obsession for fair skin comes unstuck because the storyteller decides to do away with the dark-skinned character. While the writer/director might have meant this as a sincere effort, it doesn’t come across as one potent enough to attract an audience. Purposeless flashbacks make the narrative seem rather convoluted and unappealing.


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