Animal #PIcksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas #internationalfilmfestivalcircuit #FilmMovieDocumentaryOTTReviews Film: #Animal #CommuniquePR Cast: #RanbirKapoor #RashmikaMandana #BobbyDeol #AnilKapoor #ShaktiKapoor #TriptiDimri #PremChopra #SureshOberoi Director: #SandeepReddyVanga Rating: * 1/2 Runtime: 211 mins
@everyone #everyone @everybody #everybody @followers #followers Targeted at the animal in you, this film thrives on excess. The needlessly bloated, thinly constructed vengeance spiel reveres toxic masculinity, regressive representation of women, hyper-sexuality, brutality, pointless sex talk, senseless ridiculous action, fuzzy dialogues, and distasteful and highly offensive gore. It’s an altogether shrill, brash and bestial, totally twisted and unhinged Alpha male eulogy - Unpalatable, incoherent and traumatic to the sensitive viewer. #RanbirKapoor manages to stay unsullied with his rousing performance though!


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