Lokshahi #PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas

#PicksAndPiques #JohnsonThomas #FilmMovieDocumentaryOTTReviews #internationalfilmfestivalcircuit Film: Lokshahi (#Marathi) #UltraMediaAndEntertainmentGroup #RamKondilkarPR Cast: #MohanAgashe #SameerDharmadhikari #GirishOak #TejashriVPradhan #BhargaviChirmule #AmitRiyaan #AnkitMohan Director: #SanjayAmar Producer: #SushilKumarAgarwal Rating: * 1/2 Runtime: 128 min @everyone #everyone @everybody #everybody #followers @followers #SanjayRaji
This Marathi Multi starrer, a Political Thriller directed by Sanjay Amar plays out political machinations in chamber-drama-restricted flat TV episode style. The actors seem lost in their own individual worlds, and their performances are stagey and lean towards caricature. The thready sequences compiled mainly from their close-ups and profile takes, don’t feel feature-suited. Even the screenplay involving a powerful political family and the nihilistic dynamics involved in their power struggle fails to curry favor. The narrative lacks continuum and the editing fails to make sense of the political intrigue in play. The sheer waste of powerhouse talent (actors) is unforgivable.


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